Helen Howcroft

Helen Howcroft

Chartered Financial Planner



About me

I started in the Insurance Industry in 1993 while funding my university degree. It was an easy choice of job as my grandparents used the services of a brilliant financial adviser and I was fascinated with what he did. Having lost both parents by the age of 10, our financial adviser worked with our solicitor and helped my grandparents plan for the future and I shall be eternally grateful for all the brilliant financial advice that he gave. Having had a successful career working for several Life and Pension companies and had I had grown tired of working in sales driven companies, I established Equanimity IFA, a Chartered Financial Planning Firm, in 2004 with the aim of being a new style IFA. Having gone through my own divorce, it made me truly understand how vulnerable individuals are during this period in their life. My min areas of work are helping clients going through divorce be that financial coaching, forecasting divorce settlements, completing the dreading Form E, analysing pensions and the finances as part of a divorce settlement, implementing Pension Sharing Orders as well as writing Mortgage Capacity Reports.

My details

I like helping people on:


Pensions - Approaching retirement


Pensions – Getting started


Pensions – Retired


Pension transfers

My qualifications:


Chartered Financial Planner

My charging model:


Ongoing % fee